
Tuesday 9 March 2021

Art of Embroidery – Fundamentals (Malahide Community School), materials required.

This is a list of basic materials which will be required for the class:
1) embroidery hoop size 18 or 20cm
2) cotton or linen square of a fabric (calico is the best) size 26cmx26cm or 28x28cm, depending on the size of the hoop. Basically: each side of your fabric should be your hoop diameter + 8cm of margin.
3) carbon paper for transferring a pattern onto fabric, you can buy it in Mr. Price. The tutor will bring some spare sheets of carbon paper to the first class.

3) at least 4 skeins of cotton embroidery floss, colours of your choice

4) embroidery needle (size 5 is optimal) and Chenille needle or darning needle (a sharp needle with a larger eye).
5) sharp scissors
6) optional: a threader and a ripper, metallic threads, wool threads (crewel work or similar).

The teacher will bring printed design for transferring to the first class. Please bring a ball pen or pencil!