Tangled in Fibres, photo by Mike Prendergast |
My name is Agnieszka
‘Uisce’ Jakubczyk. I am
originally from Poland, but I have been living in Ireland for over a decade, and
I am known here as ‘Uisce’ (Irish for ‘water’).
I specialise in the art of embroidery. I am
particularly interested in medieval techniques and images (embroidery on silk,
linen and wool with natural beads and pearls, and all kind of threads,
including gold and silver). I also experiment with modern embroidery,
especially with various forms of collage involving other fibre arts. I was introduced to fibre crafts quite early in
my childhood by my Mother, who is an accomplished and passionate needle worker. In my life fibre arts & crafts were competing over many years with studying
music: I was learning to be a pianist, a weaver, a musicologist, I was singing
in several choirs, a renaissance ensemble, a folk group. However when I discovered the world of
embroidery I realised that this is an art of unlimited possibilities for
expressions, techniques, inspirations and fascinating research. I started with
working on Byzantine art, widening my field into medieval and antique styles
and techniques.
Currently I am working on a
large work depicting the Battle of Clontarf. I am also designing projects which
will combine embroidery with weaving,
felting and fabric manipulation; these works will focus mostly on interpretive
portraits and also on inspiring structures from photographs of nature made during
my trips in Ireland (rocks, wood, leaves etc.).
I still keep a connection
with music by practising the small harp. I am ocassionaly involved in the
activities of the Society for Creative Anachronism, teaching embroidery during
organised workshops.
I am also a very keen
fencer, practicing especially the medieval art of the longsword.
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